
What is periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease, comprises inflammatory conditions impacting the tissues supporting and surrounding your teeth, collectively referred to as the "periodontium." Much like tooth decay, gum disease stems from harmful bacteria present in dental plaque and tartar, which accumulate around the teeth and beneath the gum line. As gum disease often advances stealthily without causing noticeable discomfort, it can easily go undetected. Hence, maintaining good oral hygiene practices and scheduling regular dental checkups, professional cleanings, and routine care are imperative. Equally important is being mindful of the signs and symptoms of gum disease to uphold a healthy smile.
Some indications that you may have periodontal disease include:
  • Gums that appear inflamed and red
  • Bleeding during brushing or flossing
  • Gums that recede, revealing tooth root surfaces
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures
  • Presence of bad breath or an unpleasant taste in the mouth
  • Teeth exhibiting a sense of looseness
  • Emergence of new spaces between the teeth or alterations in the bite
  • Shift in the fit of current partial dentures
  • Observation of discharge around the teeth and gums
  • Experience of sharp or dull pain when biting down or chewing food

The Importance Of Good Oral Health

At Lakeview Family Dentistry, we recognize that a healthy, radiant smile is integral to overall well-being. Recent studies have revealed a connection between periodontal disease, a primary cause of adult tooth loss, and several medical conditions, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and respiratory issues.

This understanding drives us to prioritize early detection, prevention, and treatment of periodontal disease. Our aim is to provide patients with essential guidance, support, and effective treatments to safeguard the health of their periodontal tissues.

What is gingivitis?

Gingivitis marks the initial phase of gum disease, often presenting without pain but displaying specific warning signs. If your gums bleed during brushing, appear red, swollen, or feel tender, gingivitis is likely present.

Fortunately, early treatment of gingivitis can halt further gum damage that might arise in advanced stages of gum disease. Despite inflammation, the overall gum health remains relatively intact during this stage.

Taking proactive steps against gingivitis can frequently reverse the condition and prevent lasting damage to the gums. Through deep dental cleanings, enhanced oral hygiene practices at home, and regular maintenance, it's possible to effectively halt the progression of this initial phase of gum disease.

Let Us Help You Maintain Optimal Periodontal Health

At Lakeview Family Dentistry, our commitment lies in delivering personalized, innovative solutions to safeguard the health of your gums and preserve the beauty and functionality of your smile. Our highly adept team leverages state-of-the-art technology and advanced treatment approaches to address diverse periodontal conditions and cater to individual needs.

Through the integration of cutting-edge dental care, our periodontal treatments not only arrest the advancement of gum disease but also encompass effective solutions like bone grafting and regenerative procedures. These interventions aim to mend tissue damage, replenish bone volume, enhance aesthetics, and establish adequate support for the placement of dental implants.

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