
What You Need To Know About Having A Tooth Extracted

At Lakeview Family Dentistry,our utmost priority is ensuring the well-being and comfort of our patients. Our team of adept professionals is dedicated to creating a relaxed and stress-free dental experience. We are committed to delivering compassionate, individualized care, characterized by gentle and precise treatments, fostering the trust and respect of our patients.

While our primary objective is preserving the natural integrity of your smile, there are situations where tooth extraction becomes necessary to safeguard your overall oral health and well-being.

There are various common reasons for which our office may suggest tooth extraction.

An over-retained deciduous tooth, commonly referred to as a "baby" tooth, may experience severe decay or damage. Typically, these teeth naturally fall out to make way for permanent teeth. However, in some instances, a baby tooth remains firmly attached to the bone due to insufficient root shrinkage or improper fusion with the supporting bone. Prolonged retention of baby teeth can potentially impact the development and alignment of a child's smile. We closely monitor your child's dental growth and will advise if it becomes necessary to remove a baby tooth to facilitate the correct eruption of the permanent tooth.
If a tooth has severe decay that cannot be fixed, it can harm overall oral health. Neglecting a small enamel defect can escalate, causing harm to the healthy tooth structure and potentially resulting in irreversible nerve damage or a dental infection. Disregarding a cavity can pose significant risks to oral health. In cases of extensive damage where restoration is unfeasible, dental extraction may become necessary.
If a tooth has severe fractures or cracks that cannot be fixed, it may need to be extracted. The severity of the damage determines whether adequate tooth structure remains viable for preservation. If the damage is extensive or involves the root, extraction could become the sole viable option.
Wisdom teeth that are not properly positioned, impacted by other teeth, or decayed may need to be removed. Third molars, commonly known as wisdom teeth, can lead to issues such as inadequate space, improper growth, extensive decay, or complications affecting adjacent teeth and tissues. While wisdom tooth extraction may be proposed for older individuals, it is often recommended for young adults experiencing challenges with these molars.
When teeth are overcrowded due to a discrepancy between tooth and jaw size, it can cause a smile that is crowded and misaligned. Under certain circumstances, removing particular permanent teeth might be essential as part of an orthodontic treatment strategy aimed at attaining a well-aligned, aesthetically pleasing, healthy, and functional bite.

How is a tooth extraction performed?

We want to assure you that our office is dedicated to delivering top-notch care, regardless of the reasons necessitating a dental extraction. Our dentist meticulously reviews your medical and dental histories and discusses any specific considerations for your treatment.

It's crucial for you to disclose any existing medical conditions or current medications you're taking. In certain situations, extra precautions like antibiotics or a medication adjustment might be required. A medical clearance could also be necessary. Please adhere to all pre-surgical instructions and inform us if you feel unwell or experience any symptoms on the day of your surgery.

Our primary aim is to alleviate anxiety and ensure your comfort during the tooth extraction. Before the procedure, we'll address any medical concerns or precautions and provide you with pre-surgical instructions. Additionally, we'll discuss post-surgical recommendations, including potential options for replacing the extracted tooth or teeth, tailoring them to your care needs.

To accurately assess the tooth and determine the necessary extraction type, we'll conduct a thorough examination and use digital radiographs as needed. Extractions are typically classified as either "simple" or "surgical extractions."

What Is A Simple Extraction?

Our dentist conducts a simple extraction when the tooth is easily visible in the mouth and possesses a standard root structure without abnormal hooks, fusion to surrounding bone, or unusual features. For your comfort, a local anesthetic will be applied to numb the tooth and adjacent tissues. Subsequently, the dentist will gently loosen any connected periodontal tissues and use forceps to extract the tooth. Your comfort and relaxation remain our foremost concerns throughout every dental procedure.

What Is A Surgical Extraction?

For severely damaged teeth, those fused to the jawbone, or impacted cases, a surgical extraction is often necessary. In such instances, we may refer you to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon who specializes in this procedure. During a surgical extraction, a small incision is made in the soft tissues to facilitate the precise removal of the overlying bone, granting better access to the affected tooth. As with any tooth extraction, patients receive a local anesthetic to ensure complete numbness of the affected tooth and its surrounding area.

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