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Smile confidently with dental implants in Lino Lakes, MN

Dental implants are small surgical posts celebrated for their biocompatibility and ability to mimic the function of natural tooth roots. Once securely positioned and integrated with the surrounding bone, these implants provide unparalleled support for single crowns, bridges, and dentures. Representing the forefront of tooth replacement methods, they deliver gratifying, enduring, and effective solutions to restore a complete and functional smile.

Consider all the benefits

If you're grappling with the challenge of missing teeth, whether it's one, several, or all, dental implants provide an opportunity to restore a complete and appealing smile. The popularity of dental implants is on the rise, with approximately 3 million individuals having already undergone the procedure, and an additional 500,000 joining their ranks each year. This increasing preference is attributed to the numerous advantages that dental implants offer over alternative tooth replacement options.

While traditional fixed bridges and dentures are effective solutions for replacing missing teeth, dental implants offer several significant advantages:

  1. Dental implants mimic the look, feel, and function of natural teeth.
  2. With correct placement, good oral hygiene, and regular upkeep, dental implants can last for many years.
  3. Dental implants stimulate the underlying bone, preventing bone loss and preserving natural facial structure.
  4. Unlike removable dentures, implants act like natural teeth, staying secure and stable while speaking or eating.
  5. Dental implants make speaking and eating easy, and allow the enjoyment of various foods without limitations.
  6. Dental implants are decay-resistant and not prone to cavities.
  7. Unlike fixed bridges, dental implants don't require any preparation or crowning of neighboring teeth.

Choose dental implants for a natural-looking and long-lasting solution to the problem of missing teeth.

Types of Dental Implants

Single-tooth implant

In the case of a traditional fixed bridge, there is typically a need for the preparation and crowning of teeth on both sides of the vacant space in the mouth. These crowned teeth serve as the foundation for the artificial teeth, known as "pontics," effectively filling the gap. Similar to how a bridge over water relies on robust pillars at each end, a dental bridge gains its strength and stability from the crowned teeth connected to one or more pontics.

On the other hand, a cantilever fixed bridge, though akin to a traditional fixed bridge, diverges in a crucial aspect. In this configuration, only one side of the pontic is attached to a crown for support.

Implant-supported fixed bridges

An implant-supported bridge stands out as a reliable solution for addressing the challenge of multiple missing teeth. Its efficacy extends to safeguarding the well-being of neighboring natural teeth while also averting bone loss and preserving facial structure through the promotion of essential bone growth. In contrast to a traditional fixed bridge, this bridge variant eliminates the need for preparing and crowning adjacent natural teeth. Instead, it depends on strategically positioned dental implants to provide support for all required crowns and replacement teeth.

Full arch replacement with four or six Implants

Opting for a complete set of implant-supported replacement teeth proves to be an excellent substitute for full dentures. This alternative not only reinstates a naturally appealing smile but also delivers the same functionality and sensation as real teeth. In contrast to conventional dentures, these replacement teeth are securely affixed and non-removable, eliminating the necessity for adhesives and the inconvenience of cleaning and sanitizing dentures. This solution empowers individuals to speak, smile, and chew with confidence. Furthermore, temporary teeth can be promptly fitted, with a permanent set to follow once the implants have seamlessly integrated with the surrounding bone.

Implant-retained denture

Referred to as an implant-supported denture, this type of denture is affixed to a carefully chosen set of implants strategically positioned in either the upper or lower jaw. These implants act as dependable anchors, providing the denture with stability and retention. Thanks to this enhanced level of support, individuals can engage in smiling, speaking, and eating with confidence and ease.

Are dental implants right for me?

If you have uncertainties about your candidacy for dental implants, rest assured. The assessment process at Lakeview Family Dentistry is straightforward. We don't just evaluate your smile; we also offer thorough responses to your inquiries and delve into the optimal dental implant solutions for your needs. Our philosophy is centered on treating each smile as distinct, formulating personalized treatment plans that consider your medical and dental history, current oral health, aesthetic preferences, lifestyle, and financial considerations.

How are dental implants placed?

Every facet of dental care, spanning from initial treatment planning to the meticulous placement of dental implants and the final crafting and insertion of crowns, bridges, or dentures, demands strategic planning and precise execution.

While dental implant surgery is typically a minor outpatient procedure, its intricacy can vary based on factors like the type and quantity of implants and any additional preparations required for the supporting bone.

Communication is a central tenet of our patient care approach. Before your dental implant procedure, we engage in a comprehensive discussion covering dental anesthesia, sedation options, and provide detailed instructions for pre- and post-operative care. Our commitment is to ensure you are well-informed throughout the entire process.

Following the placement of a dental implant, it takes a few months for complete integration with the surrounding bone. Some implant solutions permit the placement of a temporary crown or bridge on the same day, while others necessitate waiting for full healing and fusion with the surrounding bone before installing the permanent prostheses.

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