
Say goodbye to sleepless nights with the SmartXide Ultra Speed 2 CO2 Laser System!

Are you exhausted from restless nights and tiring days? Lakeview Family Dentistry brings forth an innovative solution to put an end to sleepless nights! Our dentists in Marine on St. Croix MN now offer the state-of-the-art SmartXide Ultra Speed 2 CO2 Laser System for rapid and effective treatment of sleep disorders like snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. We empathize with the impact of sleep issues on your rest and overall well-being. With the advanced and minimally invasive SmartXide Ultra Speed 2 Laser, we can swiftly reshape tissues in your airway in just minutes.

What leads to snoring?

Snoring occurs when there's an obstruction or narrowing in the airway during sleep, causing throat tissues to vibrate. Several factors contribute to snoring:
  • During sleep, the relaxation of throat and tongue muscles can narrow the airway, leading to vibrations during breathing.
  • Furthermore, nasal congestion or a deviated septum may block nasal airflow, prompting individuals to breathe through their mouths, which can contribute to snoring.
  • Additionally, sleeping on one's back can worsen snoring by causing the tongue to fall backward into the throat, further constricting the airway.

What makes the SmartXide Ultra Speed 2 CO2 Laser System the preferred choice?

Experience the precision of the SmartXide Laser as it targets excess tissues in the palate, tongue base, and throat, gently removing them with rapid pulses to open up your airway. Its coagulating effects ensure minimal bleeding and pain, making treatment fast, easy, and comfortable, allowing you to breathe freely and sleep soundly once more!

Ready to bid farewell to sleepless, snore-filled nights? Introducing the DEKA QuietNite Fractional Handpiece – the solution you've been searching for! This advanced CO2 laser attachment, compatible with DEKA's SmartXide Ultraspeed2, rejuvenates and tightens soft tissue in the palate, tonsils, and tongue in just 10 minutes.

Painless and precise, it swiftly opens up airways to halt snoring and sleep apnea. Utilizing fractional CO2 laser energy, QuietNite reshapes and gently stimulates collagen in targeted areas, allowing you to enjoy uninterrupted rest once again!

Say goodbye to restless nights. With the DEKA QuietNite Fractional Handpiece, our Marine on St. Croix MN dentists can effectively address the root cause of your snoring and sleep apnea. Contact us today to learn more and reclaim the peaceful sleep you deserve!

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